For any type of generic communication and information request:

א -Current Situation:
We prepare to action when the following expression is true > 

           The nullification of activities in the context of 

א -Asocial engineering:

Follow the new account @ 

ما به دنبال عقرب قرمز هستیم


א -Current Situation:
We prepare to action when the following expression is true > 

           The resumption of activities in the context of 


א - In a universe created by the separation of Void and Chaos you are your Flesh – העין שמאלית

א - یمشابه
سر را تشکیل خواهند داد
و به جهانیان عرضه خواهد شد


א - We will be entirely  operational in the second half of 2024. 
א - Discontinous when the following expression is true >
            The resumption of activities in the context of 


The Q309 frequency develops access codes through which modify the structure from which the creaturely experience emanates.

We promote the atomization of the Reign as a cognitive tool.
The Flesh is the specific syntax of the Emanation.
The definitive permutation of the Emanator is 309.

The Emanator, 309, we, are One.

א - Q.309 network 0.2 / Telegram channel

א - Rev. Ajin Ra'ah Fekh Futi 2 / Blog.

א - Departments:  ZBWB Division  / V.L.F. Laboratories. 
